Recruit Health Insurance Society

Recruit Health Insurance Society

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If you paid the entire medical care cost up front

In some cases under the health insurance system, if you paid the entire medical care cost to the medical care institution or other facility up front, the Health Insurance Society will reimburse you later.

If you paid the entire medical care cost up front

Required documents: [Examples]

[Documents to attach]

  • See the table below

See here for the application form for acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, and shiatsu received with the consent of an insurance doctor

Acupuncture, moxibustion, and massage

See here for the application form for eyeglasses or contact lenses prepared or purchased for a child less than nine years old to treat juvenile amblyopia or other condition

If you had medical eyewear prepared to treat juvenile amblyopia or other condition

Deadline: Prepayment of medical care costs: Within two years from the day after the date the subject treatment was received
Preparation of prosthetic equipment: Within two years from the day after the date the costs of the subject prosthetic equipment were paid
Submit to: Send to the Recruit Health Insurance Society
See here for where to send.
Address inquiries to: Responsible for medical expenses, Operations Group, Health Insurance Society
Gran Tokyo South Tower, 1-9-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6640
Notes: See below concerning valid reasons for payment and documents to attach.
If you apply by notifying your Individual Number instead of your code/number, you must submit separate documents to verify your Individual Number and your identification. See  for more information on the documents that need to be submitted for Individual Numbers.
Valid reasons for payment of medical care expenses Documents to attach to the application form
  • * If you need to submit the receipts or other documents to your municipality or other party, make and retain copies before doing so.
If you undergo treatment without your Myna health insurance card due to sudden sickness Receipt (original), medical cost details (original), or the annex Receipt (Medical Treatment) Details with the details of medical treatment certified by the medical care institution
  • * Also submit the following documents if you had a prescription filled at a pharmacy:
  • Pharmacy receipt (original)
  • Pharmaceutical statement (original)
If you received a live blood transfusion Receipt (original), blood transfusion certificate (original)
If you purchased and used prosthetic equipment such as an artificial arm or leg, an artificial eye, or a corset, as instructed by a physician: Original receipt and details (breakdown)
  • * Those paid on or after the date of the doctor’s instructions
Insurance doctor’s written opinion (original)
  • * Documentation of the fact that a doctor has determined that the prosthetic equipment is necessary and the date of fitting
If you underwent acupuncture, moxibustion, massage, shiatsu, or similar treatment with an insurance doctor's approval:
  • Receipt (original)
  • Written consent from a doctor (original)
  • *1  For treatment on or after October 1, 2018 for which the cost of issuing the treatment report was paid to the practitioner, attach a copy of the treatment report completed by the practitioner in addition to the documents above.
  • *2  For treatment on or after July 1, 2017 for which a period of one year or longer has passed since the date of initial treatment and which has been received 16 or more days per month, attach the following documents in addition to the above.
If you had eyeglasses or contact lenses prepared and purchased to treat juvenile amblyopia or other condition in a child of less than nine years of age:
  • ①Copy of instructions from the insurance doctor in charge of treatment for preparation of prescription eyewear
  • * Usable for verification that preparation of the prescription eyewear was instructed to treat amblyopia or other condition
  • ②Copy of patient examination results
    (Not required if examination results appear on ①)
  • ③Receipt (original) for preparation or purchase of prescription eyewear
  • * Be sure to review the notes on the receipts below.
  • ・Must indicate the name of the child being treated.
  • ・The payment date must be on or after the date of the doctor’s instructions under ①
  • ・The amount shown must be the actual purchase price including tax.
  • ・Must show a breakdown of prices for the frame, lenses, etc.
    Example: frame ____ yen, lenses ____ yen
If you purchased a compression garment or similar item to treat lymphedema of the arms or legs Available for compression garments with pressure of 30 mmHg or more used to treat lymphedema of the arms or legs following surgery for malignant tumor involving a lymphadenectomy
Original receipt and details (breakdown)
* The payment date must be on or after the date of the doctor’s instructions.
Instructions on fitting of compression garments from the insurance doctor in charge of treatment (original)
(Showing the location of fitting, date of surgery, fitting pressure instructions, etc.)
  • * If the pressure instructed is less than 30 mmHg, the reason for the necessity of fitting must be indicated under “Special Notes.”
  • * In the case of elastic bandages, the reason for instructing fitting of an elastic bandage must be indicated under “Special Notes.”

If you purchased a compression garment or similar item

Treatment of lymphedema of the arms or legs occurring after surgery for malignant tumor involving lymph node dissection (extensive resection) in the groin, pelvic region, or axillary region; primary lymphedema of the arms or legs
Documents to attach to application form
  • Written instructions to wear compression garment or similar item (after surgery for malignant tumor/primary lymphedema) (original)
  • Receipt (original)
Type of compression garment Compression stocking, compression sleeve, compression glove (compression bandage only if the doctor recognizes that these should not be used)
Notes: No more than two compression garments or similar items per body part may be purchased at a time.
Repurchase made at least six months after the previous purchase is eligible for payment of medical care expenses.
Treatment for intractable ulcer due to chronic venous insufficiency
Documents to attach to application form
  • Written instructions to wear compression garment or similar item (treatment for intractable ulcer due to chronic venous insufficiency) (original)
  • Receipt (original)
Type of compression garment Compression stocking (compression bandage only if the doctor recognizes that this should not be used)
Notes: No more than two compression garments or similar items per body part may be purchased at a time.
Eligible for payment of medical care expenses only once (cases involving recurrence after healing are eligible for payment again)

If used your previous health insurance card

Required documents:
Medical cost details (sealed)
Receipt (original)
* Receipt for payment to your previous health insurance society, National Health Insurance, etc.
Deadline: Within two years from the day after the date the subject treatment is received
Submit to: Send to the Recruit Health Insurance Society
See here for where to send.
Address inquiries to: Responsible for medical expenses, Operations Group, Health Insurance Society
Gran Tokyo South Tower, 1-9-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6640
Notes: Amounts of benefits are based on the treatment care costs stipulated under health insurance in Japan.
If you apply by notifying your Individual Number instead of your code/number, you must submit separate documents to verify your Individual Number and your identification. See  for more information on the documents that need to be submitted for Individual Numbers.

If you are injured or fall ill overseas

Required documents:

* For dental treatment, also attach the following:

[Documents to attach]
  • Medical treatment details issued by the hospital overseas
  • Itemized receipt issued by the hospital overseas
  • Receipt (original)
  • Japanese translations of the above
  • Copy of documentation of overseas travel (e.g., passport)
  • Letter of Consent to Inquiries with Overseas Medical Care Institutions etc. on Details of Treatment
Deadline: Within two years from the day after the date the subject treatment is received
Submit to: Send to the Recruit Health Insurance Society
See here for where to send.
Address inquiries to: Responsible for medical expenses, Operations Group, Health Insurance Society
Gran Tokyo South Tower, 1-9-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6640
Notes: Amounts of benefits are based on the treatment care costs stipulated under health insurance in Japan.
If you apply by notifying your Individual Number instead of your code/number, you must submit separate documents to verify your Individual Number and your identification. See  for more information on the documents that need to be submitted for Individual Numbers.

If you cannot walk during hospital admittance/transfer

Required documents: [Claiming transportation expenses]

Receipt etc. for transportation expenses (original)

Deadline: Within two years from the day after the date the transportation expenses were paid
Submit to: Send to the Recruit Health Insurance Society
See here for where to send.
Address inquiries to: Responsible for medical expenses, Operations Group, Health Insurance Society
Gran Tokyo South Tower, 1-9-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6640

This benefit is paid if a doctor determines there is a need for temporary, emergency transportation and the Health Insurance Society determines that all of the following conditions apply:

  • The medical care for which transportation is required is appropriate as insurance treatment.
  • The sickness or injury for which the medical care is required makes it difficult for the patient to move.
  • In an emergency or other unavoidable case.
If you apply by notifying your Individual Number instead of your code/number, you must submit separate documents to verify your Individual Number and your identification. See  for more information on the documents that need to be submitted for Individual Numbers.