Recruit Health Insurance Society

Recruit Health Insurance Society

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If you had medical eyewear prepared to treat juvenile amblyopia or other condition

In some cases, you can receive health insurance benefits by applying to the Health Insurance Society for reimbursement after paying all costs to the medical care institution or other facility up front.

If you paid the entire medical care cost up front

Payment of benefits related to prescription eyewear prepared to treat juvenile amblyopia or other conditions

Eligible for payment

Eyeglasses and contact lenses prescribed by a doctor to treat juvenile amblyopia or strabismus or to correct refraction after surgery for congenital cataract are eligible for payment. Eyeglasses for simple vision correction are not eligible.

  • * Eyepatches and Fresnel membrane prisms used for purposes such as correction of strabismus are not covered by insurance.

Eligible persons

Dependents under nine years of age

Benefits amount

Up to the amount equal to 106/100 of the price determined pursuant to the provisions of the Act on Providing Comprehensive Support for the Daily Life and Life in Society of Persons with Disabilities.
Benefits cover 70% (80% for preschool children) of the actual costs of prescription eyeglasses, etc. prepared or purchased, based on this maximum amount.

  Maximum amount
Eyeglasses 36,700 yen × 1.06 = 38,902 yen
Contact lenses (per lens) 15,400 yen × 1.06 = 16,324 yen
  • * The 1.06 multiplier has applied since October 2019 (it was previously 1.048).


If you had prescription eyeglasses, etc. prepared once again after receiving payment of medical care expenses, you can apply for payment again subject to the following conditions:

  Conditions for renewal
Younger than five years of age At least one year must have passed since the fitting (preparation) of the previous eyeglasses, etc.
Five or older but younger than nine years of age At least two years must have passed since fitting (preparation) of the previous eyeglasses, etc.