Recruit Health Insurance Society

Recruit Health Insurance Society

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About us

Society data

Health Insurance Society finances

The Health Insurance Society's fiscal year runs from April 1 through March 31 the following year. Its accounts are based on annual expenditures and revenues collected in the same fiscal year, a practice known as single-year accounting.

The majority of revenues come from the insurance premiums paid by insured persons and their employers. The Society also earns lesser revenues from other sources, including state subsidies for administrative costs and miscellaneous revenue.

Expenditures include insurance benefits paid for medical care costs and allowances, as well as support payments and contributions to support medical care for the elderly, health activity expenses for health promotion purposes, and administrative expenses.

If a balance remains following settlement of accounts, the Society is required to add a certain amount to its statutory reserve fund, in preparation for future benefits expenditures. Any remainder may be retained as other reserves or carried over to the following fiscal year.

Our Society's vision

Our purpose is to support the future of our members.

We want to be a health insurance society that correctly conducts examinations based on sound legal practices and handles work based on our business operating standards and guidelines in order to always maintain the flexibility necessary to understand the needs of our members.

We also collaborate with companies as we continuously make daily improvements aimed at providing better, more prompt services.

Through these efforts, we hope to be trusted by our members (companies).

At the Recruit Group, we are committed to supporting the future of all our members.