Recruit Health Insurance Society

Recruit Health Insurance Society

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Health checkups

Please refer to “Notes on undergoing a complete checkup or other exam during the COVID-19 pandemic” if you plan to undergo a complete checkup or other examinations.

Complete checkups, family health examinations, individual cancer screenings (gynecology)

Information will be sent in mid-July to the home addresses of those eligible for FY2022 complete checkups, family health examinations, and individual cancer screenings (gynecology).
These differ from the periodic health examinations provided by employers. Contact your employer’s contact point for periodic health examinations with any inquiries about those examinations.

Appointment period Mid July, 2023 – early February, 2024
Examination period August, 2023 – End of February, 2024

Dental examinations (Available in Japanese)

How to apply

Check with the Dental Checkup Center.
[Application deadline] March 31, 2024 (The examination date may be after April)

Inquiries Operations Group, Recruit Health Insurance Society
Tel. 0120-362-914 (Choose voice guidance option 2.)